Tag Archives: prostitue day care

Biz Idea: Hooker Day Care

“Prostitute baby drop off” or “Hooker (nighttime) day care”

Single mothers who are prostitutes face a unique dilemma: what to do with the tots when they go to work?  Unlike other working single mothers, single mom hookers work odd hours; usually weekend nights, when there are few if any daycare solutions available to them.  Asking family and friends to help can be embarrassing, inconvenient, and uncomfortable. Nearly all mothers who work as prostitutes are likely also single.

I’m not here to judge, I don’t care what you do to make a living.  I think that access to daycare is important for all families when needed and hookers are certainly no exception.  Prostitutes have long been casualties of our moralistic society even though it means making the children the unwitting victims.

In light of these facts, I propose the following:

Grand opening!!!

The Sin ‘Der’ Garter: Late Night Day Care for Hooker Moms

Hours: 10 p.m.-5 a.m. Friday, Saturday.  Lunch hour Monday-Friday.

Price:  percentage of night’s earnings or hourly rate.

Locations:  Lobby of business traveler hotel for easy drop off/pick up.  I’m thinking either the Red Lion or the Holiday Inn Express by the airport.

Amenities: Changing room (for mothers), sponge bob info-toons on ‘what mommy does for money,’ stackable washer/dryer with extra delicate setting for freshening up between client meetings, sanitary products depository/commissary, clinic with standard childhood vaccinations AND STD testing and treatment, and crystal clear web cam/baby cam services.

Seriously, again, someone should get right on this.